Pricelist 2025

Opening hours
We are open all year round - in winter, selected pitches are available.
Boom barrier is open from 7am to 22pm. (It is always possible to leave the campsite)
Camping prices
The boom barrier opens through licence plate registration. It is also possible to check in by using the automat at the entrance to the campsite.
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Terms and conditions for campers
(Caravan, RV and tents)
- 100% of the total amount is due when booking.
- 50% of the total amount is refunded if the booking is cancelled with more than 28 days till arrival.
- No refund if the booking is cancelled with less than 28 days til arrival.
- It is possible to change the booking until 28 days before arrival for a fee of 75 kr. The booking must however remain in the same season.
- By paying for the booking you also accept the terms and conditions.
D. 05.07 – 18.08
Påske d. 27.03 – 01.04, Kristi Himmelfart d. 08.05 – 12.05, Pinse d. 17.05 – 20.05, tidlig sommer d. 21.06 – 05.07, sensommer d. 18.08 – 30.08.
D. 15.03 – 21.06 og d. 30.08 – 26.10 – dog med undtagelse af ovenstående helligdage.
Electricity: 5,00 DKK per. kWh.
(Subject to change) Cash loader automat can be found inside the service building.